CAM Bus passes

CAM Bus passes

I’ve got a CAM bus ticket and I have a problem.

Find the answers to your questions about your CAM Bus tickets here.
If you cannot find your question in the list below, please send your request directly from your Monapass account, section My infos > Contact Monapass.

​Very good choice, this way you don't need to go to the agency.
We strongly recommend making the pass on the student's smartphone so that it is available directly on them.

  • Start by downloading the Monapass application, then create an account.
  • Then from the home page click on the 1st Transport tile. In the list of passes, choose the School pass.
  • Import the supporting documents: identity photo, school certificate, and proof of identity, then purchase.
    Now you have your school pass :)!
  • In the days following your request, the CAM will officially validate the pass, you can use it normally in the meantime.


scolaire EN


Should you require any assistance in purchasing your School Pass, please note that the Maison du Numérique team is available to help you:
- Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 6.30pm
- Saturdays, from 10am to 2.30pm


If you have a Bus CAM subscription, you cannot dematerialize it in Monapass. You can continue to use it outside of Monapass normally until it expires. Then do not hesitate to book new digital subscription directly on Monapass.

In some cases, your passes are no longer displayed in the “My Passes” tab. Here are the potential causes and solutions:

  • Change of smartphone: we cover this issue in another question of this FAQ, entitled "I changed my smartphone and I lost my CAM bus passes. How can recover them?”
  • Deletion of the application: we cover this issue in another question of this FAQ, entitled "I deleted then reinstalled my application, and I cannot my CAM bus passes?"
  • Connection to the wrong account: each pass is linked to a unique Monapass account. Please first check if you are logging in to the right Monapass account. To find out which account your passes are on, check your mailboxes; a confirmation email had been sent to you right after purchasing your passes.

If you do not find the answer in one of the scenarios above, please see the question entitled "How can I get a refund for my lost CAM bus passes?".

When you change your smartphone, your CAM Bus passes do not automatically appear in the “My Passes” tab in your new phone. The reason for this non-display is that your passes’ data is saved on your old mobile phone.

You can easily recover your passes in Monapass, if their purchase date was after the 1st of September 2021:

  • From the menu bar in the app, go to My infos > My mobility services > Monaco bus
  • Select the “Recover passes from old phone”, and in the next page press the “Transfer” button
  • Confirm the transfer 

Caution: When you transfer your passes, they can only be used on your new smartphone.

If after trying the instructions above the recovery fails, you can ask for a refund and buy the same pass again. We cover this issue in another question of this FAQ, entitled “How can I get a refund for my lost CAM bus passes?”.


When you delete your application and reinstall it again, your passes do not automatically appear in the “My Passes” tab. The reason for this non-display is that your passes’ data has been deleted at the same time as you application.

You can easily recover your passes in Monapass, if their purchase date was after the 1st of September 2021: 

  • From the menu bar in the app, go to My infos > My mobility services > Monaco bus
  • Select the “Recover passes from old phone”, and in the next page press the “Transfer” button
  • Confirm the transfer

If after trying the instructions above the recovery fails, you can ask for a refund and buy the same pass again. We cover this issue in another question of this FAQ, entitled “How can I get a refund for my lost CAM bus passes?”.


If you are in one of the following cases, you can request a refund of the passes you purchased in Monapass:

  • You have been debited from your bank account and your passes have not been distributed in the "My passes" tab
  • You were charged more than you had to pay for the pass (especially in the case of multiple charges for a given pass)
  • Your pass have suddenly disappeared in the "My Passes" tab and you cannot recover it (please first read the question entitled "My CAM bus passes do not show up. What should I do? ")

In order to benefit from the refund option, please send us a message directly from the application's messaging tool (My info > Contact Monapass) explaining the problem.

Please do not delete the text prefilled by the application in the message, because it contains information related to your Monapass account that are useful to our support team.

If possible, take few screenshots and attach them to your message. It is always easier to understand a problem with visual inputs.


The annual senior passes (senior residents and retired CAR) require an approval by the Monaco Bus Company prior to their use in the application. Therefore, they are not immediately “active” after the purchase and that is why they appear temporarily in the "Upcoming passes” section, in the “My passes” tab.

In fact, these 2 passes are free of charge and CAM (Monaco Bus Company) verify the documents you have provided in the purchase process, before validating the passes. This approval process can take up to 48 working hours. Once validated by CAM, theses passes will have their QR codes and move to the “Active Pass” section.

If after 48 working hours, your pass is still « inactive » (displayed in the « Upcoming passes”), we recommend you to contact the Monaco Bus Company (CAM), directly:

The Monaco Bus Company (Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco)
Address : 22/24 rue du Gabian, MC 98000, MONACO
Tel: +377 97 70 22 22, Fax: +377 97 70 22 23 
Opening hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm, from Monday to Friday

As the Public Parking Service in Monaco has not been integrated into Monapass yet, the use of the subscriptions below is not possible in the application:

  • The annual CAM bus subscription combined on the Parking card
  • Parking subscription (card)

Each "active" pass in Monapass has a QR code that contains the pass information (in particular its validity period). The following passes are not “active” by default and the user must activate them before getting in a bus: 1 trip, 10 individual trips, Group, 24H.

Once in the bus, all passengers must present their QR codes to a validator device. To do this, you should first display the QR code on the screen, and then put your smartphone at the bottom of the validator so that the QR code is facing up (as shown in the picture below).

In order to facilitate the control, we recommend you not to close the application, so that when the controllers arrive, you could show your QR code quickly.


Please find bellow the contact information of the Monaco Bus Company:

The Monaco Bus Company (Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco)
Address : 22/24 rue du Gabian, MC 98000, MONACO
Tel: +377 97 70 22 22, Fax: +377 97 70 22 23 
Opening hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm, from Monday to Friday

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